Saturday, June 30, 2012
CT police stations get special attention
CT police stations get special attention
2012-06-30 09:05
Twenty-two police stations which receive over half of the Western Cape's crime reports will get special attention, provincial Community Safety MEC Dan Plato says.(File, Sapa)
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Cape Town - Twenty-two police stations which receive over half of the Western Cape's crime reports will get special attention, provincial Community Safety MEC Dan Plato said on Friday.
"I will be conducting my own oversight visits to assess the improvements made at these stations... in the gang-affected communities, and will continue to visit these communities to assess [their] shortcomings and needs," he said.
"Many of our police officers risk their lives to protect our communities, but will be limited in their ability if they do not have the necessary resources or support."
In a briefing on Thursday, provincial police commissioner Arno Lamoer said he had recently identified the most active police stations as well as the five most crime-infested blocks for each station.
It was hoped that by focusing resources in these areas, crime rates would drop significantly, he said.
Plato said he would conduct the visits as soon as Lamoer had sent him a list of the stations.
Read more on: police | dan plato | cape town | politics | service delivery | local government
Friday, June 29, 2012
Breytenbach hearing open to media
Breytenbach hearing open to media
2012-06-29 22:43
Glynnis Breytenbach (Supplied)
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Johannesburg - The disciplinary hearing of suspended National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) prosecutor Glynnis Breytenbach will be open to the media when it resumes in July, her lawyer says.
Gerhard Wagenaar said on Friday that restrictions would be put in place if confidential matters arose during proceedings, expected to be held on 23 July.
NPA head of communications Bulelwa Makeka confirmed that advocate Barry Madolo made the ruling on Friday.
However, the NPA was going to take legal advice from the State Attorney to see whether they could challenge this decision, and if so, how it should be challenged -- within the forum of the disciplinary hearing, or in a court.
"You must understand that this has never happened before," she said.
The decision follows an application by publisher Media24, who believe the hearing should be open to the media in the public interest.
Breytenbach was suspended on 30 April for conduct related to cases allocated to her.
She has submitted in papers before the Labour Court that she was suspended as regional head of the specialised commercial crime unit because she insisted on investigating fraud and corruption charges against former police intelligence head, Lieutenant General Richard Mdluli.
The first sitting of her disciplinary on 19 June was taken up with submissions on whether the hearing should be open or closed.
City Press assistant editor Adriaan Basson said at the time that both matters were of interest to the public, and if what she alleged was true it was a "very serious indictment" of the NPA.
City Press is a Media24 title with an interest in politics.
But if the NPA was correct in its case against her, it was also a serious matter, said Basson.
Breytenbach had not opposed the presence of the media but advocate William Mokhari, for the NPA, had argued there could never be a provision that internal disciplinary matters should be open.
The Breytenbach and Mdluli cases were in the Labour Court this week, with challenges to their suspensions.
Judgment in Mdluli's cases was stayed and in Breytenbach's it was reserved.
Read more on: media24 | richard mdluli | glynnis breytenbach | johannesburg | media | npa
MDC accuses diamond miner of funding shadow Zanu-PF
SA men take down Australian robbers
SA men take down Australian robbers
2012-06-29 09:21
Kobus Delport shows off the knobkerrie he used to knock out two robbers. (Sunshine Daily Coast)
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Johannesburg - Two Australian robbers have been overpowered by two former South African men in a house in Queensland, Australia, Beeld newspaper reported on Friday.
Former East Rand businessman Theo Nel, 42, and his father Kobus Delport, 68, the former head of the security police's Springs branch, overpowered the burglars, beat them up and subdued them until the police arrived.
Nel told the newspaper that this was one of the first home invasions ever in Queensland, and that journalists had camped on the family's lawn for two days afterwards.
Two masked burglars, armed with automatic rifles, stormed into Nel's home, and took him to the study to fetch his wallet.
It was there that he and his father overpowered them and disarmed them.
Delport broke one of the rifles on the first burglar's head, while Nel broke his knobkerrie beating the second man.
"There was one hell of a fight, but we hammered them. I just wanted to protect my family," Nel said.
Read more on: australia
MDC accuses diamond miner of funding shadow Zanu-PF
South African Reserve Bank : SARB launches campaign to warn consumers of risks associated with Ponzi and Pyramid schemes Sharemax
South African Reserve Bank : SARB launches campaign to warn consumers of risks associated with Ponzi and Pyramid schemes
06/28/2012 | 03:07pm US/Eastern
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has launched a national awareness campaign to warn consumers of risks associated with illegal deposit-taking schemes, sometimes also referred to as Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
The campaign encourages members of the public to report any information on these schemes to a dedicated email address or to report it to the Crime Line number.
Speaking at a media briefing held in Johannesburg today (Thursday, 28 June) Hlengani Mathebula, Group Head of Strategy and Communications at the SARB cautioned the public against illegal deposit-taking schemes.
"These schemes hook the public by convincing them of the high returns in a short space of time. This poses a risk because they tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to attract new investors, or when a large number of investors cash out. The schemes involve payment of purported returns to existing investors from the funds contributed by new investors. Through this process, illegal deposit-taking schemes promise investors that they will gain high returns if they invest in these funds.
Mathebula says various such schemes have been probed by the Bank Supervision Department of the SARB in the recent past.
"My appeal to all is to speak to an accredited financial service provider before investing and to report any suspected Ponzi and pyramid schemes to the South African Police Service or the SARB."
Mathebula also called on all banks in South Africa to support the campaign and to work with the SARB to publicise key campaign messages.
Campaign elements are primarily radio and print to create awareness in respect of Ponzi and pyramid schemes. The campaign message is Beware of oMashayana. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Speak to your Bank or an authorised financial services provider.
Report suspected illegal deposit-taking (Pyramid or Ponzi) schemes to . Alternatively call 0800 677 772 or SMS the Primedia Crime line on 32211.
Hlengani Mathebula
Group Head: Strategy and Communications
+27 12 313 4210
+27 82 448 9219
Regulate the Regulators
Sharemaxing the high life....Why is there still No Prosecution in the Sharemax case ??????
The Scuba Scene
High Court applications in Egypt and South Africa, criminal charges and threats of more criminal charges, a luxury lodge . .more development in Mozambique, a Reserve Bank investigation into millions leaving the country and a tycoon’s yacht floating in the Red Sea.
These are the ingredients of yet another chapter unfolding in the Sharemax saga as the riches of the two top managers of the failed and beleaguered property syndication are being exposed.
Revelations of the wealth of former managing director Willie Botha and marketing director André Brand also come in a week that a Free State farmer prepares to apply for the liquidation of the R5bn Sharemax group.
Farmer AC van Zyl of Hoopstad says in his North Gauteng High Court affidavit that he invested R3m in Sharemax’s two biggest property syndications, The Villa and Zambezi Retail Park.
He says the syndications of both The Villa and Zambezi were illegal and have failed. There’s no money to repay him or any of the other investors – as the Reserve Bank has ordered, so the liquidation of Sharemax is the only option.
The liquidation application was due to be heard this week.
Focus shift
While many Sharemax investors are coming to terms with the fact that they’ve lost most, if not all, their investments in Sharemax, the focus has now shifted to the dazzling wealth that Botha and Brand have walked away with in the face of devastated and in some cases, impoverished shareholders.
Botha is fighting battles on all fronts.
Brand has also accused Botha in writing of pocketing R9m of investors’ interest – although he quickly withdrew the statement after Media24 Investigations started asking questions.
Besides his Sharemax woes, Botha is also embroiled in a bitter feud with the man who built his ultra-luxury yacht and who says he invested millions in the yacht as well.
Peet Gericke, owner of Scuba Scene diving in Pretoria, has also gone to war with Botha, accusing him of breach of contract and claiming that Botha intimidated him. He has laid charges at the Brooklyn police station in Pretoria.
At the heart of their dispute is the 43-metre Scuba Scene yacht thought be worth between R120m and R150m, which is owned by Botha’s family trust.
Gericke says he built the luxury yacht over more than four years and that he owns a substantial share.
Dirty laundry
Not so, says Willie Botha, who claims on his yacht’s website that Scuba Scene is fully-owned by the Willem Botha Family Trust. The website, which showed Botha and friends frolicking and diving on the yacht during a recent Red Sea holiday, was this week promptly removed from the web.
The yacht’s Facebook page detailing the feud between Botha and Gericke was removed. Finweek was, however, able to retrieve a copy of the page which gives a fascinating insight into the dispute.
Gericke says his battle with Botha has resulted in four High Court applications in Pretoria and two in Egypt. Litigation continues unabated.
Gericke confirms that he’s been visited by Reserve Bank investigators looking into millions that left the country through his accounts for the construction of the yacht. Much of the money came from Botha, he says, adding the investigators left with a substantial volume of documentation.
Gericke has also consulted with a private investigator in Pretoria, who in turn handed a pile of documents to Willie Hofmeyr, head of the Asset Forfeiture Unit.
Threats of liquidation
On the Facebook page, the Botha camp claims to have loaned R600 000 to Gericke and says if he doesn’t repay the Botha Trust in December, they will liquidate him.
Botha and his advocate visited Egypt in October and say they laid fraud charges against a business partner in Egypt.
The Scuba Scene yacht, which boasts 13 en suite cabins, a crew of 14 and the finest finishes, has been locked down in Hurghada in the Red Sea (see pictures).
Although Gericke still advertises dives from the Scuba Scene on his firm’s website, he confirms that the boat is no longer operational.
Botha also claims that he holds a 50% shareholding in Jupitrax, which owns the Scuba Scene shop in Menlyn Park in Pretoria and a multi-million rand resort development in Mozambique.
Gericke is busy developing the luxury Praia Paraiso coastal estate in Ponta Do Ouro in southern Mozambique. If Botha’s claim to own half of Jupitrax is correct, it would mean he also has a stake in the Praia Paraiso developments, which offer fractional ownership.
Meanwhile, questions are being asked about Brand’s accusation against Botha that the latter had illegally pocketed R9m of investors’ money in October 2009.
Documents pertaining to this payment are now in the hands of the Hawks.
Unanswered questions
Finweek has pieced together the events surrounding the money, and despite assurances by Botha – and suddenly Brand – that there was nothing illegal about the payment, questions remain.
Brand wrote a memo to Botha on 7 July claiming he was owed R24.5m in unpaid commission. He claimed that between March 2007 and February 2011 Botha had earned almost R50m in commission from Brandberg Investments, a property company that does business with Sharemax.
This money does not include the commission they earned from selling shares worth R5bn over 10 years to 40 000 investors.
Brand said he only got around R7m from Brandberg and demands another R24.5m from Botha. Botha claims he never received the memo.
Brand’s claims come after he started an investigation to trace commission that he thought he should have received from Botha but never did.
One of the people he visited was Capicol MD Paul Kyriacou. Capicol was the developer of Zambezi Mall and The Villa. Kyriacou confirmed that he’d told Brand about the R9m he transferred to Botha in October 2009.
“I notified André Brand about this and gave him a copy of all the documentation many months ago,” Kyriacou said. He claims it was for his share in a company he sold to Botha and that there was nothing illegal about it.
Cash up-front
But Brand didn’t agree and wrote the July memo.
Enter Wietz Lourens Nell, a Pretoria businessman who buys and sells property. Brand wanted to get rid of his game farm near Thabazimbi in Limpopo Province, valued R79m according to a 2010 auditor’s report.
Nell found a buyer, and Brand signed a letter agreeing to sell the farm for a mere R21.5m. But, according to Nell, he wanted cash.
The sale never materialised but, says Nell, Brand asked him to help him get his money out of Botha and he gave Nell the July memo.
At around that time, Brand realised that the R9m payment from Capicol to Botha might be questionable. On 26 October he wrote to Botha distancing himself from the transaction saying the money had been wrongfully transferred from Capicol to Botha’s helicopter company.
Brand wrote: “These funds should be transferred to Sharemax for purposes of an interest payment.”
Brand also gave the memo to Nell, who in turn passed it on to the Hawks and the lawyers now bringing the liquidation application. He also made an affidavit about his dealings with Brand, now in Media24 Investigations’ possession. The Hawks will not comment on their investigation.
When Media24 Investigations approached Brand and Botha for comment last week, Botha refused to entertain any questions.
However, at midnight last Friday, both responded by saying that they had spoken to one another and that Brand was withdrawing any allegation against Botha and that he was now satisfied that the money was paid legally to his former business partner.
Brand never denied that the memos were authentic, simply that they had been obtained “dishonestly”.
- Jacques Pauw ( Finweek )
06/28/2012 | 03:07pm US/Eastern
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has launched a national awareness campaign to warn consumers of risks associated with illegal deposit-taking schemes, sometimes also referred to as Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
The campaign encourages members of the public to report any information on these schemes to a dedicated email address or to report it to the Crime Line number.
Speaking at a media briefing held in Johannesburg today (Thursday, 28 June) Hlengani Mathebula, Group Head of Strategy and Communications at the SARB cautioned the public against illegal deposit-taking schemes.
"These schemes hook the public by convincing them of the high returns in a short space of time. This poses a risk because they tend to collapse when it becomes difficult to attract new investors, or when a large number of investors cash out. The schemes involve payment of purported returns to existing investors from the funds contributed by new investors. Through this process, illegal deposit-taking schemes promise investors that they will gain high returns if they invest in these funds.
Mathebula says various such schemes have been probed by the Bank Supervision Department of the SARB in the recent past.
"My appeal to all is to speak to an accredited financial service provider before investing and to report any suspected Ponzi and pyramid schemes to the South African Police Service or the SARB."
Mathebula also called on all banks in South Africa to support the campaign and to work with the SARB to publicise key campaign messages.
Campaign elements are primarily radio and print to create awareness in respect of Ponzi and pyramid schemes. The campaign message is Beware of oMashayana. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Speak to your Bank or an authorised financial services provider.
Report suspected illegal deposit-taking (Pyramid or Ponzi) schemes to . Alternatively call 0800 677 772 or SMS the Primedia Crime line on 32211.
Hlengani Mathebula
Group Head: Strategy and Communications
+27 12 313 4210
+27 82 448 9219
Regulate the Regulators
Sharemaxing the high life....Why is there still No Prosecution in the Sharemax case ??????
The Scuba Scene
High Court applications in Egypt and South Africa, criminal charges and threats of more criminal charges, a luxury lodge . .more development in Mozambique, a Reserve Bank investigation into millions leaving the country and a tycoon’s yacht floating in the Red Sea.
These are the ingredients of yet another chapter unfolding in the Sharemax saga as the riches of the two top managers of the failed and beleaguered property syndication are being exposed.
Revelations of the wealth of former managing director Willie Botha and marketing director André Brand also come in a week that a Free State farmer prepares to apply for the liquidation of the R5bn Sharemax group.
Farmer AC van Zyl of Hoopstad says in his North Gauteng High Court affidavit that he invested R3m in Sharemax’s two biggest property syndications, The Villa and Zambezi Retail Park.
He says the syndications of both The Villa and Zambezi were illegal and have failed. There’s no money to repay him or any of the other investors – as the Reserve Bank has ordered, so the liquidation of Sharemax is the only option.
The liquidation application was due to be heard this week.
Focus shift
While many Sharemax investors are coming to terms with the fact that they’ve lost most, if not all, their investments in Sharemax, the focus has now shifted to the dazzling wealth that Botha and Brand have walked away with in the face of devastated and in some cases, impoverished shareholders.
Botha is fighting battles on all fronts.
Brand has also accused Botha in writing of pocketing R9m of investors’ interest – although he quickly withdrew the statement after Media24 Investigations started asking questions.
Besides his Sharemax woes, Botha is also embroiled in a bitter feud with the man who built his ultra-luxury yacht and who says he invested millions in the yacht as well.
Peet Gericke, owner of Scuba Scene diving in Pretoria, has also gone to war with Botha, accusing him of breach of contract and claiming that Botha intimidated him. He has laid charges at the Brooklyn police station in Pretoria.
At the heart of their dispute is the 43-metre Scuba Scene yacht thought be worth between R120m and R150m, which is owned by Botha’s family trust.
Gericke says he built the luxury yacht over more than four years and that he owns a substantial share.
Dirty laundry
Not so, says Willie Botha, who claims on his yacht’s website that Scuba Scene is fully-owned by the Willem Botha Family Trust. The website, which showed Botha and friends frolicking and diving on the yacht during a recent Red Sea holiday, was this week promptly removed from the web.
The yacht’s Facebook page detailing the feud between Botha and Gericke was removed. Finweek was, however, able to retrieve a copy of the page which gives a fascinating insight into the dispute.
Gericke says his battle with Botha has resulted in four High Court applications in Pretoria and two in Egypt. Litigation continues unabated.
Gericke confirms that he’s been visited by Reserve Bank investigators looking into millions that left the country through his accounts for the construction of the yacht. Much of the money came from Botha, he says, adding the investigators left with a substantial volume of documentation.
Gericke has also consulted with a private investigator in Pretoria, who in turn handed a pile of documents to Willie Hofmeyr, head of the Asset Forfeiture Unit.
Threats of liquidation
On the Facebook page, the Botha camp claims to have loaned R600 000 to Gericke and says if he doesn’t repay the Botha Trust in December, they will liquidate him.
Botha and his advocate visited Egypt in October and say they laid fraud charges against a business partner in Egypt.
The Scuba Scene yacht, which boasts 13 en suite cabins, a crew of 14 and the finest finishes, has been locked down in Hurghada in the Red Sea (see pictures).
Although Gericke still advertises dives from the Scuba Scene on his firm’s website, he confirms that the boat is no longer operational.
Botha also claims that he holds a 50% shareholding in Jupitrax, which owns the Scuba Scene shop in Menlyn Park in Pretoria and a multi-million rand resort development in Mozambique.
Gericke is busy developing the luxury Praia Paraiso coastal estate in Ponta Do Ouro in southern Mozambique. If Botha’s claim to own half of Jupitrax is correct, it would mean he also has a stake in the Praia Paraiso developments, which offer fractional ownership.
Meanwhile, questions are being asked about Brand’s accusation against Botha that the latter had illegally pocketed R9m of investors’ money in October 2009.
Documents pertaining to this payment are now in the hands of the Hawks.
Unanswered questions
Finweek has pieced together the events surrounding the money, and despite assurances by Botha – and suddenly Brand – that there was nothing illegal about the payment, questions remain.
Brand wrote a memo to Botha on 7 July claiming he was owed R24.5m in unpaid commission. He claimed that between March 2007 and February 2011 Botha had earned almost R50m in commission from Brandberg Investments, a property company that does business with Sharemax.
This money does not include the commission they earned from selling shares worth R5bn over 10 years to 40 000 investors.
Brand said he only got around R7m from Brandberg and demands another R24.5m from Botha. Botha claims he never received the memo.
Brand’s claims come after he started an investigation to trace commission that he thought he should have received from Botha but never did.
One of the people he visited was Capicol MD Paul Kyriacou. Capicol was the developer of Zambezi Mall and The Villa. Kyriacou confirmed that he’d told Brand about the R9m he transferred to Botha in October 2009.
“I notified André Brand about this and gave him a copy of all the documentation many months ago,” Kyriacou said. He claims it was for his share in a company he sold to Botha and that there was nothing illegal about it.
Cash up-front
But Brand didn’t agree and wrote the July memo.
Enter Wietz Lourens Nell, a Pretoria businessman who buys and sells property. Brand wanted to get rid of his game farm near Thabazimbi in Limpopo Province, valued R79m according to a 2010 auditor’s report.
Nell found a buyer, and Brand signed a letter agreeing to sell the farm for a mere R21.5m. But, according to Nell, he wanted cash.
The sale never materialised but, says Nell, Brand asked him to help him get his money out of Botha and he gave Nell the July memo.
At around that time, Brand realised that the R9m payment from Capicol to Botha might be questionable. On 26 October he wrote to Botha distancing himself from the transaction saying the money had been wrongfully transferred from Capicol to Botha’s helicopter company.
Brand wrote: “These funds should be transferred to Sharemax for purposes of an interest payment.”
Brand also gave the memo to Nell, who in turn passed it on to the Hawks and the lawyers now bringing the liquidation application. He also made an affidavit about his dealings with Brand, now in Media24 Investigations’ possession. The Hawks will not comment on their investigation.
When Media24 Investigations approached Brand and Botha for comment last week, Botha refused to entertain any questions.
However, at midnight last Friday, both responded by saying that they had spoken to one another and that Brand was withdrawing any allegation against Botha and that he was now satisfied that the money was paid legally to his former business partner.
Brand never denied that the memos were authentic, simply that they had been obtained “dishonestly”.
- Jacques Pauw ( Finweek )
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sarb warns of ponzi schemes...Sharemax
Sarb warns of ponzi schemes
Jun 28 2012 16:51 Sapa
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Johannesburg - South Africans should take care when choosing investments that off
ered large returns within a short period, the SA Reserve Bank warned on Thursday.
Many of these lucrative options were scams, bank spokesman Hlengani Mathebula said in Johannesburg.
"Report any suspected Ponzi or pyramid schemes to the SA Police Service or the SARB."
Though there were several investigations underway into schemes in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in particular, the central bank regarded this as a national problem.
"Once you focus on a specific area or name, they move. This is a national issue," Mathebula said.
"Millions and billions" of rands were lost through pyramid schemes.
In 2011, the bank opened 15 new investigations and continued with a further 26.
Schemes being probed included Realcor Holdings Pty Ltd, Sharemax Investments, and Ingele Mineral Holdings.
In total, the bank had investigated 222 schemes in the past five years.
To raise public awareness of the issue, the bank had started a campaign with the slogan, "Beware of oMashayana [con artists]."
It would appear on TV, radio, and in the print media.
Mathebula said thousands of South Africans lost money every year to illegal deposit schemes, known as Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
"These schemes hook the public by convincing them of high returns in a short space of time."
Instead, the schemes collapsed as soon as they failed to recruit new investors. Pensioners were particularly vulnerable, as were those who received bonuses or had recently received death benefits.
Those participating in stokvels, or who had benefited from Road Accident Fund payouts, were also targeted, Mathebula said.
The problem cut across all sectors of society, with both the poor and rich falling victim.
Wealthy people were frequently motivated by greed, while poorer people were ignorant of the risks, said Mathebula.
The bank was usually only made aware of such schemes after people had already lost money, he said.
Read more about:
ponzi scheme | sharemax | sarb
SA transport is limiting economic growth - Gordhan
By: Terence Creamer 31st May 2012 TEXT SIZE Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has insisted that any additional financial support extended to stabilise the financial position of the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) will have no impact on South Africa’s Budget deficit position. It was confirmed on Thursday that government was considering the implementation of an additional Appropriation Bill to assist the embattled roads agency meet its short-term financial obligations. But Gordhan stressed that government would not pursue interventions that could result in an increase in the deficit. “Let me say very emphatically . . . nothing that we do is going to increase our deficit. Everything that we will do, and have to do, will be within the current fiscal envelope,” Gordhan said. He also indicated that it was possible that the resources would be sourced through reductions in the allocations to other national departments. In February, Gordhan announced revised deficit figures, which had been lowered when compared with the forecasts disclosed in the October mini-Budget. The deficit was currently expected to be 4.6% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012/13, and fall to 4% in 2013/14, before retreating to 3% in 2014/15. The Bill to support Sanral, which could be introduced once Parliament reassembles after its upcoming recess, was being considered in light of constraints that had arisen following a North Gauteng High Court interdict preventing the State-owned company from moving ahead with collecting toll fees to pay for the recently upgraded motorways in the country’s richest province. Sanral borrowed R20-billion to build the roads, which, together with interest payments and maintenance over the 24-year repayment period, would result in a total cost of around R58-billion. It intended implementing an electronic-toll (e-toll) collection system to recover the costs from motorists, which would enable it to pay off the debt (R20-billion), cover interest payments (about R38-billion), as well as conduct routine maintenance. However, the interdict prevented Sanral from moving ahead with its e-toll collection system. The National Treasury was, thus, currently working to assess whether an appropriation was necessary, as well as where the money could be sourced and for how long such support would need to endure. Gordhan indicated that the delay in tolling could cost Sanral between R270-million (a Moody’s estimate) and R600-million a month and that, while the timeframe for such support was uncertain, it was likely that the support would endure until year-end. It might also be necessary to assist Sanral with a key debt repayment that would come due in January 2013. However, government has also made an application to the Constitutional Court for leave to appeal the April 28 interdict and the associated legal process was unlikely to be settled by year-end. In fact, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe, who is heading up an Inter-Ministerial Committee overseeing the resolution to the dispute over the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP), offered an "educated guess" that the legal process would continue through until August next year. Should the R600-million figure prove correct, it implied support of R3.6-billion until year-end, which would be over-and-above the R5.75-billion bail-out already confirmed in the February Budget. USER-PAY PRINCIPLE But for government, the GFIP matter also offered a platform for government to defend the user-pay principle more generally. In his statement Motlanthe reaffirmed that the user-pay option “was the most viable, fair and equitable” way to fund the GFIP and that open-road tolling was the “most appropriate mechanism for collection of toll fees”. But he also restated government’s argument that it should be able to include user charges in its arsenal of infrastructure funding options. He was supported by Gordhan, who called for the emotion to be set aside and for South Africans to understand that “there are limited sources of funding from which we can pay for the things we desire” and that user charges had to sustained as one of those funding options. “The element of user charges is a crucial element anywhere in the world. We pay for electricity, we pay for telephones, we pay for water, we pay for sanitation, we pay for refuse removal – those are user charges,” Gordhan said, while acknowledging that these were not always cost reflective. South Africa, he added, required a combination of resources from direct fiscal allocations, to user charges, debt raising and public–private partnerships to deliver on the R845-billion public infrastructure plan outlined for the coming three years. “It is very important that the principle of user-pay and of user chargers is not undermined through this process and through the emotion, and that we are able to sustain our ambition to provide the kind of infrastructure that will both impact positively on our economic potential, but also the environmental in which our people live.” Edited by: Creamer Media Reporter Comments by Sonny You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to see that Gordhan is trying to smuggle with our minds. Is he the one who authorised the use of GEPF funds for SANRAL? Is he the one responsible for wanting to use GEPF funds for future development? Does he not know that it 'might just impede on his own pension?' Or is he the untouchable at the top of the Pyramid? Who loaded the dice?
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Starved, no air to breathe - 42 immigrants die in truck
Shoot-out at Joburg shopping centre
Shoot-out at Joburg shopping centre
2012-06-26 12:42
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3 robbers killed in shoot-out
Student wrongfully arrested for shoot-out - report
Hijackers caught after shoot-out
Johannesburg - An armed robbery in a Dunkeld shopping centre ended in a shoot-out between security guards and three men on Tuesday, Johannesburg police said.
Captain Pinky Tsinyane said no injuries were reported.
A man entered the Dunkeld Fruit and Flowers shop in the Dunkeld West Centre, at the corner of Bompas and Jan Smuts avenues, in the morning, pretending to be a customer.
He hit the assistant manager with a firearm and took an undisclosed amount of money.
Security guards shot at the robber and his two accomplices as they fled. The robbers returned fire before escaping in a white Toyota bakkie.
Police recovered a 9mm pistol at the scene.
Read more on: johannesburg | crime
Shootout at Dunkeld Fruit and Flower shop
The pistol dropped by one of the robbers
Five men fled with an undisclosed amount of cash following an armed robbery at Dunkeld Fruit and Flowers in the Dunkeld West centre on Tuesday morning.
26 June 2012 | Graeme Shackleford and Kierryn Goodwin
Shots were fired during the robbery, but the only injury sustained by a staff member occurred when he was pistol-whipped by one of the men.
According to Rosebank police spokesman Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe, the robbery took place at 8.40am.
The five men entered the shop and split up. Two men distracted a cashier by asking her about birthday cards while the three others pointed a gun at another staff member and told him to take them to the cash office.
In the office, the robbers pistol-whipped the staff member, and demanded money and asked him if there were any firearms on the premises. He opened the safe, and the robbers took the cash.
Centre security guards ran to the scene as the robbers fled to their car. Shots were fired, and one of the robbers dropped his gun as he ran.
The robbers left in a white Toyota bakkie with a Free State licence plate. They are armed and dangerous.
Anyone with information that may assist the police in their investigation should contact Rosebank police on 011-778-4700 .
2012-06-26 12:42
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3 robbers killed in shoot-out
Student wrongfully arrested for shoot-out - report
Hijackers caught after shoot-out
Johannesburg - An armed robbery in a Dunkeld shopping centre ended in a shoot-out between security guards and three men on Tuesday, Johannesburg police said.
Captain Pinky Tsinyane said no injuries were reported.
A man entered the Dunkeld Fruit and Flowers shop in the Dunkeld West Centre, at the corner of Bompas and Jan Smuts avenues, in the morning, pretending to be a customer.
He hit the assistant manager with a firearm and took an undisclosed amount of money.
Security guards shot at the robber and his two accomplices as they fled. The robbers returned fire before escaping in a white Toyota bakkie.
Police recovered a 9mm pistol at the scene.
Read more on: johannesburg | crime
Shootout at Dunkeld Fruit and Flower shop
The pistol dropped by one of the robbers
Five men fled with an undisclosed amount of cash following an armed robbery at Dunkeld Fruit and Flowers in the Dunkeld West centre on Tuesday morning.
26 June 2012 | Graeme Shackleford and Kierryn Goodwin
Shots were fired during the robbery, but the only injury sustained by a staff member occurred when he was pistol-whipped by one of the men.
According to Rosebank police spokesman Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe, the robbery took place at 8.40am.
The five men entered the shop and split up. Two men distracted a cashier by asking her about birthday cards while the three others pointed a gun at another staff member and told him to take them to the cash office.
In the office, the robbers pistol-whipped the staff member, and demanded money and asked him if there were any firearms on the premises. He opened the safe, and the robbers took the cash.
Centre security guards ran to the scene as the robbers fled to their car. Shots were fired, and one of the robbers dropped his gun as he ran.
The robbers left in a white Toyota bakkie with a Free State licence plate. They are armed and dangerous.
Anyone with information that may assist the police in their investigation should contact Rosebank police on 011-778-4700 .
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
ANC's second transition vital, says Zuma

ANC rethinks e-tolls

No peeking: ANC keeps media out till policies fully baked

Monday, June 25, 2012
Protect And Serve - Not Die...Jeppestown Massacre 25 th June 2006

Protect And Serve - Not Die...Jeppestown Massacre 25 th June 2006
Protect And Serve - Not Die
My four brave buddies in BLUE
Today the Country salutes you
You were all an inspirational light
Keeping your mission and zest bright
Little did you ever know
What seeds of evil against you could sew
On Sunday 25th Junes 2006 you were on duty
Little knowing what was expected of you
To come up against the trained forced of evil
Lead to your fate by Lucifer, the Devil
You were outnumbered, outgunned and slain
Like pigs going to their slaughter
Out numbered, not once, out spirited
You stood your ground like heroes
You carried your cross like disciples
You paid the supreme price with your flesh
You have all earned a place in heaven
While your enemy will languish in HELL!
Copyright (c)2006 William Ernest Cox
Chilling glimpse into 'Jeppestown Massacre'
January 31 2008 at 07:36am
By Alex Eliseev
For 19 months, photographs of the Jeppestown bloodbath lay hidden in police dockets and court files - but today it's clear why the June 25 2006 shootout was dubbed a massacre.
Some of the 1 000-odd images presented to the Johannesburg High Court on Wednesday are too grisly to publish, but they tell the real and frightening story of a raid gone very wrong.
The most striking photograph shows two slain police officers - Constable Pieter Seaward and Inspector Gert Schoeman - on the floor in a final embrace.
Seaward's right hand is resting on his colleague's arm, his left hand is tucked under Schoeman, only the hand protruding.
Their blue uniforms are covered in blood and dust from the crumbling plaster.
All around is the bloody chaos of a standoff that, in the end, claimed 12 lives.
The wall above the officers is smeared in streaks of blood and riddled with bullet holes. At their feet is a bag used by the gang to carry their loot.
The floor is a wild mess of clothes, suitcases, bags, takkies, newspapers, car tools, buckets and coins.
In the same room lie three dead robbers - one at the feet of the dead cops, one on the floor and one on his back on the bed. Five guns are scattered around the bedroom.
The photo albums also contain pictures from the postmortems, detailed ballistic diaries, chilling glimpses inside other rooms at 54 Mordaunt Street, the areas surrounding the house, and money bags stolen from the Honeydew Pick n Pay and recovered in the hideout.
The much-awaited trial of the "Jeppestown Massacre 13" began on Wednesday after a two-day delay.
State prosecutor Joanie Spies read out the 23 charges and was met with defiant pleas of "I'm not guilty" on all counts from all accused.
This means the trial - set down until the end of March - is likely to run its full course.
The 12 men and one woman face various charges of robbery, murder, attempted murder, and being in possession of unlicensed and illegal firearms.
All but one accused exercised their right to remain silent. Zinto Mqunu claimed he had gone to the house to visit a sangoma and was not involved in the robbery.
Ballistic evidence has shown that at least 27 firearms were used in the siege - including an AK-47 - and that more than 110 shots were fired by the seized weapons.
The real figure - including shots fired by police outside the house - is closer to 300.
On Wednesday, 11 handguns and an AK-47 were laid out as evidence. The service pistols of Schoeman, Seaward, and inspectors Victor Mathye and Frikkie van Heerden were also presented.
Two witnesses were called to give evidence: a woman robbed outside the Pick n Pay and a supervisor on duty on that bloody Sunday.
Joanne Brown, who has an artificial leg, had parked in the disabled-parking spot outside the supermarket. As she opened the door, "a chap" appeared and ordered her to hand over her handbag.
She later saw a man with the bag - covered in "trinkets, teddy bears and silly things" - making a getaway. She spotted a red Honda Ballade and claimed it was used by the gang. The car was then linked to the scene in Jeppestown.
Sarah Marumole - a supervisor at the Pick n Pay since 2002 - was six months pregnant when the gang struck.
She said she worked with one of the accused, Mary Maleke, who is thought to be the insider at the store.
Marumole attended an identity parade at C-Max prison (where 10 of the accused are kept) but said she was too scared to point out anyone.
On Wednesday, she was given a set of photographs and picked out one of the faces.
None of the widows of the slain police officers were in court.
Widow relives horror of Jeppestown massacre
KHETHIWE MABENA | 01 September, 2009 17:56
CHEATED: Widows Leonie van Heerden and Nadia Seaward listen to proceedings in the Johannesburg High Court yesterday. Van Heerden earlier recounted events that led to her husband being killed .Pic: ALON SKUY. 04/11/2008. © The Times.Save & Share
THE widow of a policeman murdered in the Jeppestown massacre wept as she described how difficult it was for her to explain their father's death to her young children.
"Every day of their lives [my children] miss their father. We do not go to bed without my son asking why they shot his dad," said Inspector Leonie van Heerden in the Johannesburg High Court yesterday.
"I am angry. They took away the best thing in my life."
The widow, also a police officer, has spent many days in court listening to the proceedings.
"We had dreams, things we wanted to go through together. I'm missing my best friend's company, his jokes, everything," she said.
Her husband and partner in the Roodepoort police dog unit, Inspector Frederick "Frikkie" van Heerden, was one of the four police-men killed during the bloody Jeppestown shootout in June 2006.
She, too, was at the scene, but survived.
The police officers had driven to Jeppestown after a tip-off that an 18-man gang was hiding in a house in the area.
Eight robbers died during the five-hour gun battle with the police.
Van Heerden was one of the four witnesses called by the state to testify in aggravation of sentence against the 12 accused who were recently convicted for charges including murder, attempted murder, robbery with aggravating circumstances, and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.
She had previously said that she would not be able to testify against her husband's killers because she was still traumatised and was undergoing counselling.
Yesterday, however, she was the first of the witnesses to testify.
"I remember that Inspector Victor Mathye was shot in both legs and was down on the kitchen floor. I remember that he fired shots to keep the people inside the house at bay and that he was using his last breath to fire the shots," she said.
"I was bleeding from the head and a person came out of the house, looked at me, laughed and ran off."
Van Heerden lost her composure when she was asked to describe how the incident affected their daughter: "Her father was everything to her," she said.
ý Accused Emmanuel Mweli, 29, appealed for leniency because he had "already spent two years behind bars" and was "still young".
Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng dismissed an application that it be recorded that three of the accused felt that he had pre-judged them and had not properly considered their evidence.
Life sentences for Jeppestown massacre accused
Submitted by MyHoneydew on Fri, 28/11/2008 - 07:52.
28 November 2008
Eleven of the 13 accused in the Jeppestown massacre were on Thursday given four life sentences each by the Johannesburg High Court for the murders of four policemen.
Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng also gave them 40 years each for other crimes relating to the incident, including the killing of eight others who were thought to be members of the gang.
As sentence was past, family members of the slain policemen wept and hugged each other before leaving the court room.
Fanie Schoeman, brother of slain police Sergeant Gert Schoeman, said "I'm happy that it's over, but we can't say that justice has been served, because they took my brother away.
"The message that the judge gave to other criminals is a good one... Police are there to protect us, it doesn't matter what background you come from, you should know what is right and what is wrong," he said
with tears in his eyes.
Those sentenced to life were Nkosinathi Mzamo Mchunu, of Hillbrow; Sizwe Mbuyazi, of Joubert Park; Khumbulani Mabaso, of Johannesburg CBD; Sizwe Dlamini, of Fairview; Sihle Mdunge, of Hillbrow; Muzulelwa Vezi, of Johannesburg's Bree Street; Siyanda Mgomezulu, of Hillbrow; Hlongwa, of Jabulani Hostel; Bekokwakhe Zulu, of Benrose Hostel; Mhlomme Sesiba, of O'Riley Street, Johannesburg and Zinto Mqunu of Jeppestown.
Most of the accused were fathers of very young children.
The "prime mover" behind the Pick 'n Pay robbery in Honeydew which eventually led to the bloody shoot-out in Jeppestown two years ago, Senzo Mweli, 29, was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. He was also sentenced to five years for attempted murder, which would run concurrently with the 20-year sentence.
The policemen were killed in the shoot-out at a house in Mordaunt Street, Jeppestown, on Sunday June 25, 2006 in the aftermath of the
Inspectors Frederick "Frikkie" van Heerden, 32, and Victor Nzama Mathye, 49, both of the West Rand dog unit; Sergeant Gert Schoeman, 30, of the West Rand emergency response service; and Constable Pieter
Seaward, 31, of the Johannesburg dog unit died in the gunfight.
The father of Schoeman said earlier that he looked forward to closing a painful chapter of his life.
"I have waited two-and-a-half years for this book to be closed. It's been two-and-a-half years without any proper sleep. My son was a very brave man and I am very proud of him," said Stanley Schoeman.
Provincial Commissioner for Gauteng, Director Govindsamy Marimuthoo,
said the sentencing was settling for all members in the police force.
"We welcome the sentencing, and will continue in the fight against crime...our fallen heroes have paid the ultimate is a great relief to know that those responsible for these atrocious acts have received justice."
Mokgoatlheng said that the background the accused came from should not be an excuse to the events that occurred.
"People cant be allowed to take the law into their own hands, because we have the capacity to think what is right and what is wrong...what this court can't understand is why people should kill in cold blood."
He said that while he understood that the financial situation of the accused was very dire, it was no excuse even if all eleven of the 12 accused were all first time offenders.
"We come from a very painful past, but I try to understand why such a waste of life happens for money...speaking as a black judge, I must say, that in South Africa today, a black man can rise and become what he wants to be."
He said that South African policemen were the bastion of the constitution and society would not accept the killing of a policeman while on duty.
"No civilised society should live like this...people should be allowed to go shopping on a Sunday morning without the fear of being shot and killed."
Promise Mchunu, brother of accused number 3, Nkosinathi Mzamo Mchunu, appeared depressed ahead of the sentencing.
"My brother is not okay. I spoke to him three days ago. He is very sad. I am very sad about this situation too, I love him very much," said Mchunu.
In response to Mchunu's testimony that police had shot at the robbers first, Mokgoatlheng said that the police were just doing their job.
"The police were following you criminals, it is not correct that the police shot at you first, they were just doing their work, and they should be allowed to do their work," he said.
The facts as sent in by Anonymous; CATO MANOR
THE FACTS - Background to the SVCU - Cato Manor
by Durban Organised Crime Unit - KZN on Monday, 26 March 2012 at 07:23 •
For those of you who are just joining this group, here is some background to bring you up to speed.
There is currently a fraud trial about to commence in which a Durban businessman (Mr. Thoshan Panday) and a police colonel (Mr. Navin Madhoe) were arrested on allegations that they ran a police accommodation scam during the World Cup Soccer which defrauded tax payer 60 million rand.Shortly after their arrest, these individuals are alleged to have attempted to bribe, the DBN Organised Crime Commander, General Johan Booysen to side line the investigation. Booysen declined the offer and as a result, Colonel Madhoe was also arrested for corruption. At some stage, crime scene photo graphs were stolen from a computer from the offices of the Serious Violent Crimes Section (SVC) of the DBN Organised Crime Unit. This was one of Booysen’s departments which ultimately fell under his command. These photos were also used in an attempt to persuade Booysen to drop the fraud charges. The reason being, some of these photos could have been seen out of context as some of the SVC staff was pictured allegedly drinking alcohol (even though they were off duty). The remainder of the photos were of dead bodies, either from gun skirmishes with police or of victims of crime killed during hijackings, robberies etc. The threat was to release the photo’s to the press alleging that the unit was acting like a hit squad and then celebrating afterwards with booze filled parties. The hope here was that all these investigators would be either fired or arrested thus making it impossible for them to testify in the pending fraud case as some of the police witnesses against both these men, came from this unit. Neither General Booysen, nor his investigation team heeded to this threat, and the investigation continued.Suddenly, on the morning of 11th December 2011, The Sunday Times flooded our door steps and newsstands with an “amazing expose” on how they had uncovered a police “hit squad”. They further claimed that they had been hard at work on this story for the past 3 years. They claimed that the SVC Unit based at Cato Manor was actually a hit squad taking revenge on police murders and that they had photos to prove this. Quite a coincidence as this had just been the threat made by the “little extortionist” just a few weeks earlier. The photos were hard hitting. Unless one was use to seeing violent and grotesque photo’s of dead bodies, the news was certainly sensational. The newspaper even claimed that the unit acted like a Vlakplaas unit. Not a very nice allegation to make against anyone. What the Times failed to report was that SVC had won numerous awards for their high detection and conviction rate. That, in the same period of time, two of its own members had been shot and killed on duty. Thus making it quite likely that they would be involved in that many shootings. There was no comparison offered against stats as to how many policemen died in the country over that same period of time. If they publicised this one would understand that amount of deaths, yet regrettable, were understandable.Then, when two of the unit’s detectives agreed to meet with these journalists to set the record straight, the journalist’s again wrote with a crooked pen, stretching the truth describing the meeting as a sordid event. They even wrongly accused a policeman in the media as a shooter in shooting incidents, even after a heads up was given them at this meeting, that they had their facts wrong.
One can only assume that Sunday Times enjoys paying out lawsuits or that there is something more sinister at play here. Perhaps the integrity of these journalist’s needs to be questioned. It seems that whenever they publicise the name’s of any detective from this unit, it just coincidently happens to be a detective who is a witness against the pair charged for fraud.After the breaking news, the excrement hit the fan in HQ and two investigation teams were assembled and sent to Durban from Pretoria (Hawks Head office) and Limpopo (ICD) to investigate these allegations. The SVC detectives had all their cell phones, computer’s, cameras and firearms seized for forensic analysis. Confidential informer files were perused and informers were traced and contacted. The entire SVC staff compliment was treated as suspects regardless of any specific case number or shooting incident. The unit was closed with immediate effect. The amount of effort and logistics put into it was quite sensational, much like the newspaper article, however when SVC members asked for legal assistance of choice (like a previous disgraced National Commissioner was afforded), they were simply told, NO! Shame on you police management. You plan to leave your boys out in the cold like that. How about growing some back bone and integrity.Both these internal investigation teams still continue with their “amazing” work in Durban at great expense to the tax payer and with little indication as to their end date. Perhaps the investigators from up country are enjoying a little sun and sea in Durban. One certainly hopes that their accommodation was not arranged by either Panday or Madhoe.
The Times also published photos of shootings that this unit was not even involved in. One would think, that at a time when the controversial “Info Bill” hangs in the air, that any journalist worth their salt would for first question the motive of their source. It is what junior investigators taught on Detective Course in the subject of informer handling. Always question the motive of your informer. The reason for this is to prevent you from being used as a pillar of Organised Crime by simply removing opposition. Then, perhaps these journalists were duped? However, surely if one really investigated the allegations for three years, one would have clarified certain issues prior to going to press and publically humiliating career detectives who have served their country. Or was that also a lie? These are the questions you must ask yourself.The Times writes as if they have had privy to confidential shooting reports and affidavits held by the Independent Complaints Department. I seriously hope not. That would be another law suit waiting to happen. The photographs, one could argue, are stolen police property. But that aside, what was reassuring was that several “real” journalist’s had come forward to place on record that they too were offered these photographs at some point but did not wish to run with the story as certain date stamps on picture folders were altered thus questioning their authenticity. Perhaps the reporters at the Times thought they had found the story of a lifetime and went with it with little consideration to those they may hurt along the way. Perhaps, it was the fact that they had found witnesses, or perhaps it was their overseas financed ballistics expert, who knows. Let us leave that to the courts. I too was once a detective who interviewed many witnesses, story tellers, money seeker’s, revenge seekers. Their worth gets examined at a court of law, not a newspaper. So, in a nut shell that is what’s going on. They have labelled our “good guys” as “hit men” and claimed that they “executed 51”. That is a serious accusation after so many of their facts already published were wrong. They claim they have booze filled celebrations after near death experiences. If so, perhaps the post battle drink was how they dealt with it all. The law states that the burden of proof rests with the accuser so let’s wait for what the courts decide. Put simple: “He who accuses, must prove”. Until then, these media men have successfully disbanded one of our greatest tools against violent criminals in KZN. Our blanket of protection is gone.
This is not only a concern for the public but for the other police officers who perform their daily duties as this unit also had the task of solving and preventing the murders of police officers.Mark my words; take a look at the stats in year’s time. Violent crime will escalate and many innocents will die unnecessarily at the hands of criminals.“Their successes weren’t reached by keeping office hours and scheduled lunch breaks. It was reached by putting in the effort, working beyond the call of duty and by just being great detectives.”Another thing I was taught in Detective school was that most things in life happen for a reason and that I should question everything that happens. One thing that bothers me here is why are the police turning on their own all of a sudden, why do they visit the families of those shot by police even when they know these individuals had a criminal past. There is seriously something bigger at play here.
It is for these reasons that this page exists. We have to support our guys; we cannot afford to lose 10, 20 or 30 seasoned detectives because of some fraudster’s dirty tricks. There is far more at stake here. I speak for myself here, but my detective nose is twitching and I am of the opinion that Panday holds black mail over someone’s head high up on the government ladder and that is why all the pressure is on to dissolve yet another good investigation unit.
Stand firm folks and believe, lady justice holds a mighty big sword.
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