Tuesday, 09 November 2010 16:11
JOHANNESBURG - Business efforts to fight crime should complement the role of government, not be a substitute, said Xolani Mkhwanazi, BHP Billiton SA chairman, on Tuesday.
Business efforts should be seen, in a spirit of partnership, to “complement the role of government in implementing and enforcing the law”, he was quoted as saying in a statement.
Mkhwanazi made the remarks while handing over a R1 million cheque to Business Against Crime SA in Johannesburg.
Business was not a “surrogate to government”, but the long-term objective of business as a collective was to “encourage and assist government in developing the institutions, managerial capacity and financial resources necessary to implement and enforce the law”, he said.
Fighting crime should not just lie with government or the police, he said, but was the “the collective responsibility of all citizens, and the public and private sector”.
BHP Billiton is the world’s largest diversified natural resources company.
- Sapa
The Citizen
Comments by Sonny
This government was mandated by the people of South Africa to fight crime on their behalf!
What are they doing with our money?
Now Zuma is looking for more 'hand-outs' from the world at the G8 Summit!
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