Speeding Violations – Driving License Suspension
Drivers and Line Managers must please take note of the latest amendment to the National
road Traffic Act which became effective on 20th November 2010, to kerb the lawlessness and
limit the carnage on our roads. Magistrates have been granted extra power to suspend driving
licences in instances where motorists exceed 30km/h above the speed limit in urban areas
(eg: 90+ km/h in a 60 km/h zone) and 40km/h above the speed limit outside an urban area.
This is now law as from 20/11/2010 and a magistrate may where considered necessary flex
their muscles and suspend your licence. The simple principle now applies do not speed under
any circumstances. The risk is great, the outcome could be disastrous.
Line Management must please bring this serious matter to the attention of all COCT
employees that depend on their driving licenses for their livelihood and impress upon them
the consequences of non compliance. Please take appropriate action to correct the behaviour
of all serious and repeat traffic offenders and.
Driving Licence Suspension now law.
Monday 22 Nov 2010
National Road Traffic Amendment Act 64 of 2008
Amendment of section 35 of Act 93 of 1996
12. Section 35 of the principal Act is hereby amended—
(a) by the insertion in subsection (1) after paragraph (a) of the following
‘‘(aA) section 59(4), in the case of a conviction for an offence,
(i) a speed in excess of 30 kilometers per hour over the
prescribed general speed limit in an urban area was
recorded; or
(ii) a speed in excess of 40 kilometers per hour over the
prescribed general speed limit outside an urban area or on
a freeway was recorded;
National Road Traffic Act Amendment - Commencement - 20/11/2010 - Government Gazette
Proclamation of the above.
by the President of the Republic of South Africa - No. 60, 2010
(ACT NO.64 OF 2008)
In terms of section 28 of the National Road Traffic Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No. 64 of
2008), I hereby fix 20 November 2010 as the date on which the said Act shall come into
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria on this 25th
day of October, Two Thousand and Ten.
By Order of the President
Comments by Sonny
If you don't want your driver's license suspended, don't speed!!
Apart from filling ANC coffers you will be left hiking!!
Only the 'Blue Light Gang' is above the LAW!
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