News team stunned by F-word
2011-09-28 10:52
by Pauli van Wyk
Johannesburg – The news team at Talk Radio 702 said they were too shocked to react to the on-air rant by newsreader Mark Esterhuysen.
According to Eyewitness News editor-in chief, Katy Katopodis, the controller, producer and call screener all froze for some time before cutting off Esterhuysen, who by then had managed to use the F-word about four times.
A longer 41-second clip could be heard on social networks, in which the 23-year-old used the F-word 13 times in a general rant slamming racism, capitalism, fascism, ANCYL president Julius Malema, the state, amongst others, as well as promoting his blog and social media platforms.
Katopodis said that the news controller responded as quickly as possible under the circumstances.
Katopodis told Beeld that security guards escorted Esterhuysen out of the building after his rant as they were unsure of what he would say next.
She said she was truly worried about his mental state and said it was not normal that someone lost control like that over the radio.
Esterhuysen responded on Twitter saying he had no regrets about what he had done.
His contract with 702 was terminated immediately following the rant. He had been working at the station since May and was previously a news presenter on Pretoria University’s radio station, Tuks FM.
- Beeld
Read more on: mark esterhuysen | radio
South Africa..........History and still a great place to be !
F-word puts MP on the map
2010-02-24 23:10
Nando's were quick off the mark with this topical print ad.
Lizel Steenkamp
Cape Town - The word "fuck" has put DA MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard on the map.
Nando's has just launched an advertisement based on her faux pas in the National Assembly last week.
It is currently being circulated on the internet, and reads: "Dianne, there only one place where it's OK to use fowl language."
Thanks to the fiery MP, a new code has been created for the inflammatory word. It goes: "You can go and DKB (Dianne Kohler Barnard)" or "Do a Dianne".
Apparently this code is especially popular in the Free State, committee members said when Kohler-Barnard returned to parliament on Wednesday after her brief period of silence.
Wearing fire engine red
Dressed in fire engine red, one of her favourite colours, she sat down behind her laptop for an early morning meeting of the parliamentary portfolio committee on policy.
The DA and the speaker of the National Assembly suspended Kohler-Barnard for five parliamentary work days last Wednesday for saying "fuck " in Parliament.
At least Kohler-Barnard hasn't been completely unproductive during her "off time".
"Anyone who thinks I was putting my feet up doesn't know me at all. I never stopped [working]. I was on my computer and on the phone the entire time," she said on Wednesday.
She received more than 100 e-mails from people commenting on her foul language. The fiasco has made her one of the most infamous and well-known DA MPs.
No worries over apology
"Yes, of course I shouldn't have said that. But sometimes the pressure is so intense and the yelling and screaming so unbearable that you can't help but react. But I should have waited until I was outside [the National Assembly]."
Kohler-Barnard will apologise to parliament unconditionally next Tuesday afternoon when the National Assembly reconvenes.
She isn't having any sleepless nights about the apology.
"I'll stand up and read the sentence out loud. And that will be that."
- Die Burger
Read more on: parliament | da | dianne kohler barnard
Nuusleser afgedank weens sy ‘&!&!!@**!’ op die lug
2011-09-27 23:05
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Jou selfoon Jou Facebook-profiel Pauli van Wyk
’n Nuusleser van Talk Radio 702 is gisteroggend in die pad gesteek nadat hy in ’n nuusbulletin vloekende te velde getrek het teen verskeie instellings.
Mark Esterhuysen (23) het die oggend-bulletin gister 01:00 begin lees en toe skielik van die nuus afgewyk.
“F*k rassisme, f*k die varke wat Andries Tatane doodgemaak het, f*k die AWB, ons is almal diere wat vry behoort te lewe, f*k kapitalisme en f*k hierdie graveyard shift-slawerny- str**t ... ” het Esterhuysen in Engels geskel voordat hy ook ’n draai by mnr. Julius Malema en die petrolprys gegooi het.
Die geskokte programkoördineerder kon uiteindelik, ná die tirade wat sowat 40 sekondes geduur en waarin
Esterhuysen ook sy blog en Twitter-profiel geadverteer het, ’n liedjie gryp en die ongewone nuusbulletin onderbreek, het Katy Katopodis, groepredakteur van Eyewitness News (EWN), gesê.
“Veiligheidswagte het Mark uit die gebou geneem omdat ons nie kon vertrou wat in daardie stadium nóg uit sy mond kon kom nie.
“Ek is werklik bekommerd oor sy geestelike toestand. Dit is nie normaal dat iemand net so oor die radio beheer verloor nie.”
Volgens Katopodis beskou die radiostasie dié uitbarsting as ’n bedanking, maar sy het ook in ’n brief aan Esterhuysen gesê dat sy dienste voortaan nie meer benodig word nie.
“Ek kon hom nog nie sedert die voorval in die hande kry nie,” het Katopodis gesê.
Esterhuysen het in Mei as junior nuusleser by die radiostasie begin werk nadat hy verlede jaar ’n graad in joernalistiek aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf het. Hy was ook ’n nuusleser by Tuks FM 107.2.
Hy kon nie gister vir kommentaar bereik word nie, maar het op sy Twitter-profiel gesê hy is nie jammer oor die rampspoedige nuusbulletin nie.
“Moenie glo wat die kapitaliste en rassiste sê nie. Dis al vir nou.”
Enkele minute voordat hy sy nuusbulletin sou lees, het hy ook getwiet: “NOU het ek rigting.”
Esterhuysen beskryf homself op sy Facebook-profiel as ’n “vyand van die staat”.
“Ek hou nie van die polisie nie. Ek is lief vir anargie en my medediere.
“Ek dink pasifiste is vol str**t. Pasifisme en vrede is nie sinoniem nie.
“Ek is militant en ek is radikaal. As jy nie daarvan hou nie, f*k jou.”