Dr DS Grieve - Is it Fraud - Yes
I have just seen this on another site - http://antifraudintl.org/showthread.php?t=43038&page=2
Full draft:-
11 January 2011
DS Grieve Bridging Solutions
Welcome back to the world we call reality folks.
I sincerely trust 2011 will be what I have a sneaking suspicion its going to be a cracker of a year.
I also trust you and your loved ones enjoyed the break and heaped the peace and love you so richly deserve upon one another this festive season past.
I didn’t really get much of a break myself having worked until 24 December 2010.
The reason for this mainly being a relatively new matter I’m involved with.
I am assisting a group of investors that have lost their shirts in what can only be described as an investment fraud on a pro bono basis.
Like most of these scams I only become sensitised to the nature and scope of the problem when my attention is drawn to the scheme in an investigation.
It seems that the Barry Tannenbaum type scam is a prolific one and that it has reached epidemic proportions locally and globally due to the nature and structure of the different investment schemes.
People invest money, are paid better than average interest on their investments, invest more and then find they lose everything including their capital and the interest they eventually re-invest.
The operators of these schemes engage in little to no legitimate investment activity. In many instances, operators of these schemes file for bankruptcy in an attempt to avoid claims by victim-investors.
To date in the US a multi-disciplinary task team has uncovered cases involving over 310 such operators whose schemes have impacted on over 120 000 victims throughout that country with over US$ 10 billion suffered in losses according to the US Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs .
What strikes me most about the case I’m involved with is the fact that the callousness of the criminals involved is matched only by the remarkable people battling to restore the dignity of the victims.
I have been scrutinising the efforts by Bowman Gilfillan and in particular an attorney called Haroon Laher from transcripts of liquidation proceedings in this particular matter and literally at one stage had to sit back and acknowledge that in this man (Laher) resides the fundamental principles that made the profession great in the first place.
I also have to thank Pauli Simpson and Mercia Fryer at Specialised Services Group (SSG) and Brigadier Casper Jonker (SAPS) for making the time so late in the year to review and escalate the matter.
The current case I am scrutinising involves a certain Dr. DS Grieve and his companies.
An application was made in December 2009 to liquidate a number of Grieve's businesses in what we call a quick and dirty application, which but for a sharp eyed judge, may just have sneaked in.
This application was declined by the court. This was then repeated via CIPRO (a backdoor "voluntary" liquidation) in January 2010.
Bowman Gilfillan in Sandton challenged the voluntary liquidation application and had it converted into a compulsory liquidation. This creates a whole new set of legal rules and changes the playing field significantly for Bowman and the victims. It also changes the situation dramatically for those who applied for the voluntary liquidation.
The companies of Dr DS Grieve , specifically Dr DS Grieve Bridging Solutions a Pty Ltd entity has been made the subject of a Special Inquiry.
Debtors underestimate the seriousness of their situation if fault is found or discovered in the form of fraud, reckless or negligent trading, malfeasance or any other of a host of business "sins".
Retribution can be fast and ruthless against the perpetrators.
Basically David Stephen Grieve offered bridging finance to people during the buying and selling of properties.
Trading on very thin margins David Grieve offered unusually attractive interest rates to investors prepared to put money into the business to grow it.
This doesn’t make sense at all because Grieve could have just as well borrowed that money from the bank at much more favourable rates and instantly increased his margins.
Naturally he did his friends and family (the usual victims) a “favour” by offering them a slice of his “pie”.
The success of his scheme depends largely on his ability to attract new investors so he can use their money to pay the exorbitant interest rates of the “older” investors and when that fails (attracting new investors), so does the scheme.
The question isn’t so much if the scheme will fail but more like when?
In this instance when was when the shortfall reached R 28 million .
The R 28 million question remains, “ where is the money ”?
The fact is, because the business involves the buying and selling of property and providing “bridging” finance in the window period a Bond is approved, funds must by necessity pass through lawyers Trust accounts.
The upshot of this is that the missing millions if this cannot be traced and it cannot, must have as with any asset been misappropriated in some way.
The fact that this is an investment scheme doesn’t alter the principle of theft, which is an asset is misappropriated before it reaches an organisation, while within the organisation or after it leaves the organisation.
Consequently the missing R 28 million will be able to be traced through various lawyer trust accounts.
The only question that remains is which ones?
This shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.
According to Professor Barry Spitz , the one time the corporate veil that protects a trust can be lifted and a Trust cannot be protected is when that Trust is tainted by the proceeds of crime .
It is high time that lawyers like Haroon Laher are rewarded for their diligence and common humanity and those that facilitated the stripping of the investors in Dr. DS Grieve’s schemes funds find their Trust Accounts seized by the Asset Forfeiture Unit .
The issue at hand isn’t simply one of investors losing their life savings, it is about sustainability; it is about investor protection and rule of law.
It’s about creating a climate that encourages foreign direct investment and confidence in the economy through due process.
I look forward to seeing how this case pans out.
Suffice it to say, Dr. DS Grieve seems to demonstrate no empathy or remorse for his victims .
He claims he will be rehabilitated sometime this year already and will be looking to continue his business practices.
If, or when he does, this will be the third such venture .
Let the buyer beware .
Warmest regards
Bart H
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Dr. David Grieve en sy vrou, Sanet.
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Erika Gibson
Die handelsmisdaadeenheid van die Valke, sowel as die Raad op Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika (RGSA), ondersoek aanklagte van bedrog en diefstal teen ’n dokter van Centurion.
Die aanklagte is onder andere deur die dokter se broer, sowel as verskeie oudgeneraals, ingedien nadat hulle glo nagenoeg R30 miljoen in die dokter se “oorbruggingskapitaalskema” verloor het.
Volgens mnr. Bill Grieve van Nieu-Seeland, een van die klaers, het hy meer as R8 miljoen verloor nadat sy broer, dr. David Stephen Grieve, hom oortuig het hy sal sy geld dubbel en dwars terugverdien.
Mnr. Grieve het die saak deur internasionale bedrog-ondersoekers laat ondersoek, sowel as van sy broer se buitelandse bankrekeninge laat bevries in ’n poging om van die geld terug te kry.
Hy beweer hul bejaarde ma en verskeie ander pensioentrekkers is ingeloop en dat hul ma verarm in die agterplaas van weldoeners moes bly terwyl haar seun in luuksheid leef.
Genl.maj. Hans Meiring, hoof van die Valke se handelsmisdaadeenheid, het bevestig dat sake van bedrog en diefstal ondersoek word.
Volgens hom dui die voorlopige ondersoek daarop dat miljoene rande in die slag gebly het.
Dr. Kgosi Letlape, waarnemende registrateur en senior uitvoerende beampte van die RGSA, het bevestig dat dr. Grieve steeds as mediese praktisyn geregistreer is.
Die raad het wel ’n klag van bedrog teen hom ontvang.
Geen dokter mag ingevolge die RGSA se etiese gedragskode onbehoorlike betrekkinge met hul pasiënte handhaaf waar dit onder meer oor finansiële aangeleenthede gaan nie, het Letlape gesê.
Volgens mnr. Grieve was verskeie van die mense wat na bewering ingeloop is pasiënte of vriende van sy broer se pasiënte.
Een van die afgetrede generaals, ’n klaer in die saak wat weens sy sakebelange anoniem wil bly, het sowat R500 000 verloor. Volgens hom het hy in 2006/’07 van die “uitstekende verdienstes” gehoor wat van sy oudmakkers met dr. Grieve se beleggingskema verdien het.
Hy het ’n toetsbelegging gemaak en bykans drie jaar lank het hy maandeliks getrou state en goeie rente gekry.
Dit het so goed gegaan dat hy ’n verdere belegging gemaak het, maar in 2009 het die state én die verdienstes skielik en sonder enige waarskuwing opgehou.
Sedertdien probeer hy en van die ander beleggers sonder sukses hul kapitaal terugkry. ’n Weduwee van een van sy oudmakkers en haar familie het sodanige verliese gely dat die behoud van hul familieplaas in die gedrang is.
Van die probleme met die ondersoek na die saak is glo dat dr. Grieve die meeste van sy “beleggers” nie eerste om beleggings genader het nie, maar hulle op aanbeveling van ander se sukses vrywillig na hom toe is met hul geld.
In ’n skriftelike voorlegging aan voornemende kliënte noem dr. Grieve dat hy ’n korttermyn-oorbruggingsfinansieringsmaatskappy (saam met sy vrou, Sanet) bedryf.
Hy sou oorbruggingskapitaal aan eiendomsverwante transaksies vir tydperke korter as 90 dae verskaf.
Dr. Grieve kon die afgelope week op geen van sy telefoonnommers opgespoor word nie.
Dr DS Grieve, Dr DS Grieve Bridging Solutions, sanet Grieve, sanet grieve botha, sanet grieve fotografie
Dr DS Grieve Indecent Sexual Assault Charge SAPS Charge reference August 2004, Brooklyn SAPS CAS no 1392/08/2004.
ReplyDeleteMay 27, 2012
In addition to this saga which has left a bunch of old people penniless, mainly people who Grieve had created a special bond of trust with through his position as their medical doctor, it seems that information has also surfaced from a former waitress who worked for him at his restaurant – the well known Cynthia’s in Pretoria who, stated that having been a young naive waitress at the restaurant, she was subjected to enough direct pressure from Dr DS Grieve that she went to the South African Police in Pretoria and laid formal criminal charges against him for Indecent sexual assault. This charge and the allegations were serious enough for senior officers of the South African Police service to arrest Dr DS Grieve, fingerprint photograph him and hold him until bailed. This was done and carried out under SAPS Charge reference August 2004, Brooklyn SAPS CAS no 1392/08/2004. This charge remains on record and on the SAPS register to date.
Criminal charges against Grieve were also reflected in charge reference LYTTELTON ref nr CAS 578/12/2010 for Fraud which are proceeding at present and a full prosecution is imminent there are numerous other charges in process as well…..
Dr DS Grieve, Dr DS Grieve Bridging Solutions, sanet Grieve, sanet grieve botha, sanet grieve fotografie
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