Paramedic tells of horrific rape
2011-10-07 10:34
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Johannesburg - A paramedic has testified in court about how she was repeatedly raped by armed men who also forced an innocent man who was walking past to rape her and her colleague, The Star reported.
The paramedic told the South Gauteng High Court in graphic detail how she and her colleague were raped after being called out to a medical emergency in Durban Deep 19 months ago.
They were treating an 18-month-old burn victim in an ambulance when three men attacked them, dragged them into the veld and assaulted them, forced them to perform oral sex and raped them as well.
The paramedic said her husband was divorcing her as he couldn’t get over the fact that his wife had been raped.
She said she had been traumatised by the incident and was unable to do her job.
She also told the court how a man who was walking past the scene where they were being raped, was called over by the armed men who then assaulted him and told him to rape the paramedics.
The man only pretended to rape them, while their attackers laughed and joked around.
Beeld reported that the bystander also testified in court, confirming the paramedics’ account of events and saying he had been traumatised by the experience and never wanted to go through anything like that again.
Two men, Richard Tshifhiwa Luruli, 29, and Michael Khorombi, 30, have been charged on 15 counts of rape and a charge of compelled sexual assault.
Read more on: johannesburg | crime
Rape stats show more cases reported
30 September 2011 - 14:52
By Tamlyn Canham
The Lifeline Rape Crisis Centre believes the increase in the number of rape complaints against police should be viewed as positive news.
It has explained that the figures, which show allegations of rape against officers have climbed by 92 percent, show many people are reporting the crime.
However, the centre's Debbie Harrison says many victims are still afraid to come forward.
The Independent Complaints Directorate released its annual report for 2010/2011 yesterday showing the number of rape complaints went up from 24 cases - in the previous term - to 46 in the past financial year.
Harrison believes stiff sentences for officers found guilty of rape will deter perpetrators and encourage victims to come forward.
"Because it does seem as if there has been quite a lot of manipulation for people getting fairly light sentences historically. And, once they feel the full force of the law, I am sure that will be a serious deterrent," she said.
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