M&G political editor Rapule Tabane reflects on this week's ANC press conference regarding possible action against ANCYL President Julius Malema. Will President Zuma take a stand or will the need to keep the peace prevail?
M&G analysis: Possible ANC action against Malema
M&G political editor Rapule Tabane reflects on this week's ANC press conference regarding possible action against ANCYL President Julius Malema. Will President Zuma take a stand or will the need to keep the peace prevail?
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I am sick of Malema.
Lets move on.
Derek Jones on April 22, 2010, 9:54 pm
If your enemies offer you advise dont take it. It is not in their interest to see you prosper. As far as Malema's future goes.
The crowd advising Zuma to fire Malema for the 'good of the ANNC' has never loved the ANC, anyway. If Zuma ever fire Malema, that will be the end of his (Zuma's ) political career ... and they all know it.
John Malamba on April 23, 2010, 9:57 am
i like Malema (like kak)
Let's move on
The Voice of The Voiceless on April 23, 2010, 10:54 am
Malamba - I dont the think top dawgs in the ANC, ever loved the ANC.
Sinudeity @gmail.com on April 23, 2010, 11:04 am
Whosoever is afraid of Malema is the an enemy of human development and empowerment for average South Africans. He is anti-revolutionary, anti-progressive, and should not be living in SA
Gbenga Daniel on April 23, 2010, 11:13 am
julius is still innocent in the eyes of the anc. Whatever the anc will be doing will be based on thier thinking not informed what the media has been reporting. President Zuma is not expected to do anything but the anc will look at the facts and if convince the DC must be set up it will even then Julius will remain innocent.Lets look at Julius like all of us who are innocent. We do not want a repetition where the media painted President Zuma Guilty in his trail before even the judgement was handed down.
There has to be a level of profesionalism in our media. Secondly, the media has to use the rights accorded to it by the constitution prudently not to infringe the rights of other. We have seen that during Apartheid where all freedom fighters were demonised as terrorists. Lets allow the ANC to deal with its internal matter in the manner that is in line with its constitution.
Cedric Mxoli on April 23, 2010, 1:26 pm
Daniel - 'He is anti-revolutionary, anti-progressive, and should not be living in SA' - Well said. Lets kick juju out :)
Sinudeity @gmail.com on April 23, 2010, 1:34 pm
Mxoli - But you are making the assumption that JZ was found innocent. He wasnt. Merely that Mbeki interfered in the corruption matter. So, because the two enemies were fighting with each other, the corruption matter got dropped. Wasnt even DA interference, it was ANC interference.
"I was smallfry in the armsdeal"
Makes you wonder how much the big fry got away with.
Sinudeity @gmail.com on April 23, 2010, 2:48 pm
Malema's behavior is not an internal matter, he is a disgrace to the ANC and to all South Africans.
The fact that nothing is done about it is frightening and should concern all our people in this wonderful country.
Bernrad Ramakoele on April 23, 2010, 3:40 pm
Malema is just a puppet, lets try to find the puppet master. He's stepped on everyone's toes, even those who though have him wrapped around their little finger
Funi Taumang on April 24, 2010, 12:41 am
Im not afraid of Malema, Im afraid that what he speaks is not the sentiments of the South African youth. Im also afraid that South Africans have turned a blind eye and have turned a hooligan into a hero. The youth league has been vocal in the past but their noise has always made sence.Our comrade president Malema seems to be letting his tounge loose before his brains and I feel that undermines the intelligence of South african youth because we are the ones who voted him in.
tshidiso mphuthi on April 24, 2010, 9:30 am
He should get a life or a backing band, would never even get past the first round of idols.
He should go to cash converters but a usedv tongue is not worth too much.
Leave him alone he is a real asset to the ANC opposition. He only has to explain how he got his money, ala Brett Kebble
Sean Power on April 24, 2010, 12:26 pm
There are so many un-employed why is the minister of pot holes, JM who I think has just found one found another one not looking for gold in them? JM please nationalise them and put the country to work.
Sean Power on April 24, 2010, 8:05 pm
Those who think Malema will be discipline must be dreaming.Zuma is the president because of this young man. If he knows whats best for the ANC unity , he should leave him alone. He must not listen to the critics like DA , they dont want to see unity in the ruling party.
mfana mndela on April 24, 2010, 10:47 pm
Malema = corruption. ANC = corruption. I keep saying this but it never gets printed.
Brian Edwards on April 25, 2010, 2:18 pm
In 1920 a little corporal upstart was challenging the German government .If this little upstart and been neutralised in some way it would have saved the lives of 40 million people and so much financial pain and suffering of the rest of Europe.Malema will lead the country into destruction .
Allan Milton on April 25, 2010, 6:46 pm
Our beloved ANC is loosing it's taste each day.Our leaders should start behaving in a proper manner or else we going down the drain.
smiso mtolo on April 26, 2010, 12:45 pm
The ANC should stop Malema now, before things get worse.This comrade has done enough damage and it's bad for the image of the leading party. discipline and more discipline
smiso mtolo on April 26, 2010, 1:03 pm
It's not going to be easy to take a disciplinary action against Malema, but it would be good for the country to act now. Look guys, Malema and Mugabe are standing together while Zuma is on the other camp. Ths is a receipe for disaster for the entire region. Previosly Zuma and Malema were in one camp. Malema plus Mugabe is just a lethal combination to every peace loving persons. Heat the iron while it's still hot. Azazi bo fethu
edward ndaba on April 26, 2010, 3:06 pm
If he gets some discipline,that means the ANC got their power back,if not it means that the powers behind the puppet and the buffon are still the poppet and buffon masters.The ANC WILL CARRY ON THEIR CORRUPT WAY AND THIS COUNTRY WILL GO TO HELL LIKE ALL OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES.
olga wueen on April 26, 2010, 3:30 pm
ANC 's failure to discipline juju, Mampara Malema ,speaks volumes on its own by the ANC , as an organisation, that is full of disorder and led by hooligans , thus people fear them from taking any dicision for the good reputation of the party.
Unlike other parties that well governed , you have seen youth leaders who are dander heads being ruined upon their behaviours,namely D.A, IFP, to mention the few, the youth leaders in these parties are aware that they are accountable to their parties.
Malema is just a wild cat, feared by the ANC president and it will cost the fall of the party before,one would realize the damage caused by this Mampara, which will probable too late to reverse.
musa buthelezi on April 27, 2010, 11:51 am
can u imagine having Julius Malema & Mangosuthu Buthelezi in the same party...?lol. This boyis just ruining our country people, everytime he open his mouth trouble is mantufactured!
Lihle ntabeni on April 27, 2010, 2:15 pm
Malema for President
Let's move on
Black Man on April 27, 2010, 9:26 pm
Your post makes my day. I have kept aloof from the petitions and protests about Malema: my feeling is, and remains, that the ANC youth put him into that position and it is for them to decide whether he remains there or not.
That does not mean that he shouldn't be in trouble with the law. At the very least, he seems to be guilty of contempt of court.
But his position as ANCYL president is up to ANCYL, and you confirm my conviction that the youth can be trusted to decide.
Madeleine Du Toit on April 27, 2010, 10:28 pm
Its a great pity to see such a great nation being torn apart by one selfish individual. Welcome to the Zimbo style!
Simangaliso Ncube on April 28, 2010, 1:51 am
I think we will be very lucky if we can get Malema to work for us. He is a man of some intelligence. :)
Graham Johnson on April 28, 2010, 9:16 am
Remember the sleepless nights during the night virgils from Malema and Friends during both trials. This is payback time for the man on top. He is sifting between an ocean and fire, both are dangerous. Its a catch 22 situation.
Moraka Moreiks on April 28, 2010, 10:32 am
Shame on you Thandi Modise, at your age you still playing around the bush, What a Low Intellect you have?
nhlanhla mngomezulu on April 28, 2010, 1:05 pm
...I love him then I hate him, then I love him more...
much like Zuma on his way to the top.
Mlungisi Mbuyisa on April 28, 2010, 3:00 pm
Malema raises controversial yet correct topics, and if there is anyone who has a different view, opose him and we will see who has the best idea and probably choose it.
let us not teach ourselves incorrect methods to deal with issues at hand, one of such methods is to try and silence people who raise issues of concern.
I, clearly do not have a problem with Malema raising issues, but my problem is with the minority that wishes to silence Malema without saying what is right that must be done.
freedom of speech.
Sebjeni Moyahabo on April 28, 2010, 4:48 pm
Sebjeni Moyahabo- How about not inciting hatred?
The chickens are restless on April 28, 2010, 5:32 pm
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Malema is Zuma nemesis!