Die Man van die Waterberge

Kietzmann claimed in court papers that Byleveld ruined him by portraying him in the media as a killer, hitman, bouncer boss, drug lord and sex fiend.
18 January 2013 | ILSE DE LANGE
A PROFESSIONAL boxer is suing Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa and retired top cop Piet Byleveld for more than R8 million, claiming that they ruined his life.
Paul Kietzmann’s massive damages claim will proceed in the North Gauteng High Court after the court gave him permission to continue despite not having given notice of his claim within the prescribed period.
Kietzmann, of Waterkloof in Pretoria, claimed in court papers that Byleveld had ruined him financially by portraying him to the media as a murderer, hitman, bouncer boss, drug lord and sex fiend.
Kietzmann was in December 2009 acquitted on a range of charges including attempted murder.
He claimed in court papers that he was detained in a compartment designed for dogs for 11 hours after his arrest. His hands were allegedly tied behind his back with cable ties so tightly that his shoulder ligaments were torn and it took police 30 minutes to cut them loose before he was finally taken to the police station.
He was allegedly sprayed with tear smoke when he asked to use the toilet and claimed he was denied food and water on Byleveld’s instruction for up to two days at a time during his detention.
According to Kietzmann he was unlawfully detained for three months in an overcrowded cell with dangerous criminals. He said computers and advertising equipment worth more than R400 000, seized during a raid on his home, had never been returned despite having no connection to any crime.
The Citizen
Who would have thought that these allegations against this super cop are true?
What happened to the R400,000,00 office equipment seized during a raid on his
Kietzmann) home, which had never been returned despite having no connection to any
Did Byleveld follow correct procedure and hand the property into the SAPS 13 for safe
We know he went insolvent to prevent paying his dying ex wife Esme Byleveld (the
sister of deceased Col Corrie Maree of the Brixton Murder and Robbery Unit), who
brought Byleveld from CID Hillbrow, to Brixton.
Byleveld is refusing to pay quantum agreed upon in their original divorce settlement.
Let's hope Esme outlives her rivals.
Their are apparently some PI's who recently worked for Byleveld, who are now crying
foul and are about to sue him for loss of income.
It's amazing to see what normally gets swept under the dirty "Tell All" carpet.
Byleveld was never acting commander of the Brixton Murder and Robbery Unit or the
Serious and Violent Crime Unit, as he suggested in the Media recently.
Who is this ex farmer from the WATERBERG?
Past Allegations
Byleveld se eks kap terug
2011-09-07 22:54
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Me. Esmie Byleveld, eksvrou van oudbrig. Piet Byleveld. Foto: Denzil Maregele
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Ügen Vos
‘Piet Byleveld, asseblief, beweeg aan en los my net uit. Hou asseblief op met hierdie dinge.”
Dis die pleidooi van me. Esmie Byleveld, eksvrou van die voormalige baasspeurder.
Hulle het in 1971 ontmoet.
Volgens me. Byleveld het sy haar “vir die grap” as Esmie Dumont voorgestel, maar twee weke later gebieg sy is eintlik Joey van Zyl toe sy besef sy is halsoorkop verlief.
Esmie is ’n bynaam wat sy in die verpleegkollege gekry het.
Oudbrig. Byleveld bemark nou Hanlie Retief se biografie oor sy loopbaan van 38 jaar.
Rapport het Sondag uittreksels daaruit aangehaal waarin die voormalige speurder oor sy “sielsongelukkige huwelik” praat. Sy eksvrou beskou dit as ’n klap in die gesig.
“Ek wens Piet alles van die beste toe, maar dié keer het hy te ver gegaan. Ek is so naby aan breek en Piet wil my net nie los nie. Elke keer wat ek tien treë vorentoe gee, gooi hy my tien treë terug.
“Ná die egskeiding wou Piet my in ’n ouetehuis laat intrek.
“My prokureur moes bloedsweet sodat ek net ’n dak oor my kop kan hê. Ek en my honde moes alleen sit en grondboontjiebotter eet op ’n Kersdag terwyl hy in ’n luukse huis met leerstelle intrek.
“Dit was Piet se idee om te trou en die eerste tien jaar van ons huwelik was wonderlik, hemels,” het sy gesê. “Piet se persona het heeltemal verander toe hy by moord-en-roof (-eenheid) aangesluit het, maar ek was so trots op hom. Ek het in die aande oor rooi verkeersligte gery om sy nuusberigte op TV op te neem. Ek het net so ’n dik plakboek van al sy sake gemaak.
“As daar ’n storie oor hom in een van die koerante was, dan koop ek ses.
“Hy het hom begrawe in moord en roof. Ek dink dit was die opgewondenheid met sy nuwe take, dit was vir Piet ’n uitdaging. Naby die tyd wat hy my gelos het, het hy meer begin drink, eers net bier, maar later brandewyn. Soms sou hy my bel om te sê hy weet nie waar hy is nie en dan moes ek hom huis toe beduie.
“Ons was 34 jaar lank getroud en wanneer ek nou aan Piet dink, dink ek aan die goeie mens wat hy was. Ek doen hierdie nie uit haat of vergelding nie. Ek is net moeg vir sy bewerings. Ek wil net hê hy moet ophou.”
Hy sê:
Oudbrig. Piet Byleveld het gister in reaksie daarop gesê: “Dit is duidelik dat die weergawe wat deur Esmie voorgehou is daarop ingestel is om die publiek deur middel van die media te bedrieg – net soos sy my in persoon deur al die jare bedrieg het.
“ ’n Persoon met ’n drankprobleem is nie in staat om sukses te behaal in sy loopbaan nie.
“Die feite wat in my boek voorkom, is ware feite. Ek sal nie onwaarhede kwytraak nie. Dit is duidelik dat Esmie probeer om die media te gebruik om haar persoonlike stryd teen my voort te sit.”
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Byleveld's ring linked to Rolex gang
2012-02-12 15:48
Piet Byleveld
'Inge Lotz was betrayed' - 04 Nov
Stations fined over Leigh Matthews story - 13 Jul
Sunday Times to appeal Byleveld ruling - 10 Jun
Sunday Times must say sorry to Byleveld - 09 Jun
Lotz murder can be solved - Byleveld - 25 Apr
Lotz: Byleveld 'close' to finding motive - 24 Apr
Byleveld to look into murder - 21 Apr
New twist in Leigh Matthews case - 02 Apr
Byleveld takes on Lotz murder case - 28 Mar
Solver of South Africa's most famous crime investigations, including the Leigh Matthews kidnapping. Now R198.00
Johannesburg - Super sleuth Piet Byleveld accepted a wedding band from a businessman thought to be linked to an organised crime syndicate known as the Rolex gang, according to a newspaper report on Sunday.
Byleveld thanked Tony Vardas for the wedding band in a magazine article, the Sunday Times reported.
"He said that is what he wanted to give us for a wedding present," Byleveld reportedly said.
Hawks spokesperson McIntosh Polela said Vardas and two others were subjects of an "ongoing investigation".
Vardas was "a person of interest" in the Rolex gang case, other police members told the newspaper.
The gang followed and robbed wealthy people - including Discovery chief executive Adrian Gore, and Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale's wife Judy Sexwale - of their jewellery. They were most active in Johannesburg's northern suburbs.
Byleveld retired in 2010 after an illustrious police career, during which he arrested some of the country's most notorious criminals.
He said he knew Vardas from a case he investigated "many moons ago", in which Vardas was a witness.
"I can assure you if [Vardas was linked to any criminal activity] and if I knew, I would have acted on it," Byleveld said.
He denied that Vardas was a friend and said Vardas had organised the ring through a jeweller, who measured his then fiancee's finger.
Vardas did not supply her engagement ring.
"I bought the [engagement] ring and I have the documents to prove it," Byleveld said.
Without tying up loose end in the Matthews cASE HE THEN ATTEMPTS TO TAKE ON THE INGE LOTZ MURDER.....
Lotz: Byleveld 'close' to finding motive
2012-04-24 09:18
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Cape Town - Retired policeman Piet Byleveld, who now heads a private investigations firm, has called on the close friends of murder victim Inge Lotze to get in touch with him, according to a report on Tuesday.
"I like to start at the beginning, and I wanted to see the set-up in the flat. Certain information was made available to me... I'm flippen close to figuring out a motive," he told Die Burger newspaper.
Lotz's parents asked Byleveld in March to track down the murderer of their daughter, who was found dead in her Stellenbosch flat in 2005.
"The murder investigation is moving in a certain direction. If these friends don't come forward, I'm going to expose them," said Byleveld.
Speaking at Cape Town airport after returning from a visit to the murder scene, Byleveld said he made "certain observations" at Lotz's flat.
He declined to discuss names or reveal further details, but urged Lotz's friends to contact him at piet.byl@vodamail.co.za
Lotz's boyfriend, Fred van der Vyver, was put on trial for her murder but was acquitted in November 2007. He is in the process of suing the State for damages for malicious prosecution.
Were these false allegations by Byleveld...?
Stations fined over Leigh Matthews story
2012-07-13 19:07
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Johannesburg - Talk Radio 702 and 94.7 Highveld Stereo have each been fined R25 000 for defamation, the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA (BCCSA) said on Friday.
The fine followed a complaint by Silvanus Naicker about a story aired in May on the kidnapping and murder of Johannesburg student Leigh Matthews.
The BCCSA said the stations were found guilty of implicating Naicker in the murder "on meagre facts available".
"We do not think that the broadcasters acted with the intention of defaming the complainant," the commission said.
"But in South African law, negligence is sufficient for a finding of defamation by the media. In the result, we hold that the Broadcasting Code has been contravened."
The complaint was brought against Primedia, which owns both radio stations.
The BCCSA said the facts available to the radio stations did not justify their implicating Naicker.
"We have no doubt that the radio stations were negligent in broadcasting the material."
Scanty evidence
BCCSA said a reasonable broadcaster would not publish such an item with such scanty evidence at its disposal.
Naicker was implicated in the Matthews murder after a source said he was a friend of convicted murderer Donovan Moodley and that they had played volleyball together.
Naicker confirmed that he had played volleyball with Moodley, but said he had nothing to do with the murder.
In their defence, the radio stations said Piet Byleveld, a renowned detective, had told the radio stations that a Silvanus Naicker had been on his list as a possible accomplice at the time.
"But [Byleveld] had not had him prosecuted, since he did not regard phone records as a sufficient source to involve a person in a murder trial," they said.
The radio stations further argued that a member of their team had left a message on Naicker's phone, but that he had not phoned back.
In 2005, Moodley was convicted of kidnapping and murdering 21-year-old Matthews.
In February this year, Moodley went to court claiming there was a conspiracy against him.
He accused State advocate Zaais Van Zyl and Byleveld of creating and manipulating evidence against him.
Mc Intosh Polela Suspended after ‘rape’ tweet
ReplyDeleteNovember 8 2012 at 11:07am
Hawks’ spokesman, McIntosh Polela, has been suspended for three weeks after making a controversial reference to prison rape on Twitter.
“He has been suspended. We won’t discuss details. It is a purely internal matter,” Brigadier Phuti Setati said on Thursday. He referred all enquiries to the SAPS media centre.
Setati would not comment on a report in Beeld newspaper that Polela’s suspension was the direct result of his tweet last month about kwaito star Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye, after he was convicted of murder.
“JubJub spending 1st nite in prison. Bail has been denied after being found guilty of murder, attempted murder & racing while high,” Polela tweeted shortly after judgment was handed down by the Protea Magistrate’s Court.
“I trust that JubJub’s supporters gave him a jar of Vaseline to take to prison,” Polela posted.
He later apologised.
On Tuesday, a Twitter user asked Polela why he was not commenting on the latest Hawks’ raid.
“At home, studying and trying not to care about what’s happening in the universe,” he replied. – Sapa
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
Psalm 23
An eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth would lead to a world of the blind and toothless.