Alex Eliseev | 12 hours ago
PRETORIA - A Pretoria court has rejected National Treasury's argument that e-tolling is a "scrambled egg that cannot be unscrambled" and has allowed the battle to proceed to the Supreme Court of Appeal.
The North Gauteng High Court on Friday granted the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa) leave to appeal its earlier judgment, which paved the way for the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) to roll out the controversial project.
Outa will now present a case largely rooted in the Constitution, while e-tolling should start once a bill is passed through Parliament.
In a sweltering courtroom, the alliance's advocate - Mike Maritz - set out to convince Judge Louis Vorster that another court may arrive at a different verdict.
He argued the public were robbed of a chance to influence the outcome of e-tolling, and that the regulations were too vague.
“On the finding of your Lordship, Sanral can decide to pave that road in gold, and say 'it will cost you R50, 000 per motorist, per trip'.”
Treasury's advocate, Jeremy Gauntlett, fought back.
"The eggs are well and truly scrambled. We are so down the road, [and] have litigants who say they love the road.
It is hoped the case, which is likely to land up at the Constitutional Court, will be heard within six months.
The legal battle in the SCA and the Constitutional Court will not however affect the launch of e-tolling.
Revenue from the project will pay a 2007 multibillion rand debt incurred by Sanral to build the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project.
The Treasury which is part of the ANC top structures is relying on Government "rubber
stamping' of this illegal Bill in Parliament to make this flawed process a reality.
Their Law - The majorities law - Belongs to the ANC alone.
They have bent every rule in the Constitutional and Democratic books to get their own
Ultimately the funds will go to overseas agents and Bank accounts and then eventually
to private off shore private accounts of the ruling elite!
SANRAL developed one lane on Gauteng Highways and now wants to claim credit for the
whole National Highway system.
Public participation in the end was so flawed that it was an embarrassment for the
public to try and participate.
The ANC is so confident of their power, after MANAUNG, that they will now try
everything to push for majority rule prior to the 2014 elections.
Zuma is on record to not give a damn for the Constitution, public funds, public,
poor, frail and youth and its education in this Country.
He is perceived to be the ANC dictator at present.
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