Prisoners refused to eat and started setting fires at Groenpunt prison in Deneysville. (AFP)
08 JAN 2013 07:28 - SAPA
Around 50 inmates of the Groenpunt prison in Deneysville suffered minor injuries in a stampede when police entered the facility after a riot.
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A riot broke had broken out at around 4pm on Monday when prisoners refused to eat and started setting fires.
Police spokesperson Constable Peter Kareli told Sapa at daybreak the situation was peaceful. "We are now going back to assess the damage and investigate what led to the unrest," he told Sapa on Tuesday morning.
He said five prison staff suffered minor injuries. SABC radio news, which put the staff injury toll at nine, reported that the riot had happened at the maximum security section when some 227 inmates barricaded their unit to prevent officials from entering.
Police re-inforcements from Vereeniging, Sasolburg and Welkom were called in and stun grenades were used to enable them to gain entry, according the report.
It was further reported that files of prisoners had been damaged in fires set to part of the administration buildings, which could delay the release of some inmates.
Cells had also been set alight and the electricity cut off.
Prisoners had made weapons from shower heads and steel rods. They had also aired their grievances to a local radio station after getting hold of cell phones.
Criminal charges would be laid against prisoners who had been involved in the riot, the radio reported the department of correctional services as saying. – Sapa
Mail & Guardian
Skokgranate gebruik ná oproer by tronk
2013-01-08 07:14
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Johannesburg – Ongeveer 50 gevangenes by die Groenpunt-tronk in Deneysville in die Vrystaat het geringe beserings opgedoen in 'n stormloop toe die polisie die perseel Dinsdagoggend binnegegaan het, het owerhede gesê.
Gevangenes het Maandag omstreeks 16:00 oproerig geraak toe hulle geweier het om te eet en brande begin stig het.
Polisieversterkings van Vereeniging, Sasolburg en Welkom is ingeroep en skokgranate is gebruik om toegang tot die perseel te verkry.
Die SABC het berig dat die oproer in die maksimum-sekuriteit-vleuel begin het, toe 227 gevangenes hulle eenheid afgesper het en bewaarders verhoed het om dié deel van die tronk te betree.
Konst. Peter Kareli, 'n polisiewoordvoerder, het aan die nuusagentskap Sapa gesê dat die situasie teen dagbreek weer rustig was.
"Ons gaan nou terug om die skade te assesseer en om vas te stel wat tot die oproer gelei het," het hy gesê.
Vyf personeellede by die tronk het ook geringe beserings opgedoen.
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Convicted criminals are the wards of the State and should be treated as such.
They give up their freedoms when they are convicted and sentenced to imprisonment.
The Constitution should not protect them as 'citizens in good standing!'
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