Mar 6, 2011 2:31 PM | By Sapa
People must be careful not to be played by a white minority agenda orchestrated by the likes of Solidarity and AfriForum, SA Communist Party (SACP) leader Blade Nzimande said.
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He was addressing media at Cosatu House in central Johannesburg following the SACP's central committee meeting over the weekend.
"Every time we approach elections, forces such as the DA [Democratic Alliance], that not too long ago were calling for a qualified franchise, now piously trumpet their commitment to non-racialism while in practice stoking up the fires of divisive ethnic sentiments."
Nzimande's statements come amid criticism of Solidarity's statement claiming that millions of coloured people in the Western Cape stood to lose their jobs if the proposed Employment Equity Amendment Bill was approved.
This was also in the midst of new government spokesman and Black Management Forum president Jimmy Manyi being criticised over statements he made a year ago during an interview with KykNet that "there was an over concentration of coloureds in the Western Cape".
"We condemn those who have pounced on these ill-advised remarks, not in order to correct them and help to build national unity, but in order to whip-up minority prejudices and fears," Nzimande said.
He pointed out that for many decades the SACP was the only political party in South Africa that had a non-racial membership in which black and white comrades fought side by side.
"It is quite natural, therefore, that the SACP strongly associates itself with all those who have condemned unequivocally, racially insensitive remarks in the context of the transformation of the labour market", Nzimande said.
"The SACP firmly believes that there is much more that unites the African and coloured working class than racial opportunistic manoeuvres aimed at short-term electoral gains."
"We have long believed that the SACP and Cosatu, together with the ANC, have a critical role to play in this regard."
Nzimande further criticised tenderpreneurship and the abuse of proximity to political power.
"Over several years the SACP has been leading the battle against corruption, patronage and the abuse or proximity [real or apparent] to political power.
"The SACP, together with our alliance partners, will continue to take up this struggle without fear or favour," he said.
Touching on going forward in government's new growth path plan, Nzimande said it was important that alliance partners dealt frankly and constructively with issues that had the potential to divide them.
"In our alliance partners the SACP will, amongst other things, seek to open up discussion on grave challenges within the labour market.
"We reject those neo-liberal voices who are trying to recycle the claim that workers in SA enjoy too many rights," Nzimande said.
"The real objective of these arguments is not job creation, but profit maximisation," he said.
Nzimande said the SACP rejected these voices' attempts to counterpose job creation, decent work and sustainable livelihoods.
"While jobs, decent work and sustainable livelihoods are not identical realities, a common struggle for all three is a profoundly complementary within the South African reality."
He said the central committee had also noted that it was now nearly a year that Aurora workers had not been paid.
"It is absolutely essential that solutions are found to the plight of these workers. The SACP will be working closely with NUM [National Union of Mineworkers] in solidarity with these workers," said Nzimande.
He said the central committee further condemned state and state-inspired violence in North Africa and the Middle East direct at protesters and civilians in general.
"The CC [central committee] noted that these uprisings mark a decisive resurgence of popular agency in the Arab world, breaking the bonds of fear and repression, and asserting a profound democratic yearning for popular sovereignty," Nzimande said.
On a lighter note, Nzimande applauded the SA cricket team for performance, unity and the fighting spirit it displayed at the 2011 World Cup underway in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.
He called on all South Africans to support the team as it headed into the next stage of the tournament.
Sunday Times
Comments by Sonny
With Communists in our cabinet SA & democracy are doomed!
Play it again John.........!
One should never forget the words of Nelson Mandela.............!
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