Interview: Playboy SA cover girl
2011-03-18 14:39
by Clayton Morar Playboy SA cover girl Tracy McGregor talks about her body, her boobs and not really changing the world.
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Model Tracy McGregor is the first local celebrity to appear on the cover of South African Playboy magazine. The April issue, which is now on sale, also features a topless pictorial spread of McGregor inside the edition.
McGregor, who was publicly named as the cover girl on Thursday at the Playboy SA launch in Johannesburg, said she welcomed the opportunity after Playboy called her up.
"They contacted my agent and enquired whether I’d be interested in posing for the cover," said McGregor.
"I told them I needed to chat to my boyfriend (Marc Buhrer), my parents as well as my close friends to get their opinion on the matter. It took me about a week before I got back to Playboy to let them know I’d do it."
Making history
The shoot for the inaugural cover took place in late February in Cape Town. "The Playboy team flew down for the day where we shot in a studio at a closed set,”"said McGregor. "I felt so comfortable, there were no random people walking around and the Playboy team were very accomodating."
For McGregor, being the first cover girl is such "a huge honour". "I was chatting to someone at the launch and I feel like Marilyn Monroe. Everyone remembers who was the first celebrity on the US cover and me being on the SA cover will go down in history. I feel special that I was chosen to do it."
And the members of Team McGregor seem to agree! "My friends and family love the spread and they think it’s beautiful, and so do I.
"The shoot itself was great and I think the magazine is classy and tasteful. I have a great support system and they are behind me 100%. It’s been a fabulous ride so far," she said.
A little apprehensive
While McGregor admitted to being "a little apprehensive at first" about posing topless for the magazine, she's adamant that she has no regrets.
"I realise SA is very conservative when it comes to this type of thing, that there’s a stigma attached to men’s lifestyle or boob magazines, but we also have other magazines such as Cosmopolitan and GQ also showing just as much boob and talking about sex as well," she admitted.
"That’s why I made my decision to pose for the cover because Playboy is a fabulous brand and I’m really happy that i did it!".
So why did she decide to go topless? "My body is looking the best it’s ever looked because I’ve been training very hard and eating very healthy foods. I’m comfortable in my own skin and people must understand it’s just boobs. It’s not like I’ve changed the world," she emphasised.
"There are going to be people who will judge it but that’s there’s opinion. I’m comfortable with what I’ve done and I’m happy with it."
McGregor, who is based in Cape Town, said now that fashion season is coming to an end, she and fellow model sister, Kerry, are working on their handbag range.
"We’re working tirelessly on that and hope to release it before the end of the year."
Clayton Morar is a celebrity autograph hunter and blogger. See his exploits at www.claytonmorar.com
CONGRATULATIONS TO PLAYBOY - For a magnificent cover girl 2011......!
ReplyDeleteTanit Phoenix was Playboy SA's first choice, they offered the first cover of the magazine too her, and she turned them down. Tracey was second choice. They only offered R50k for the shoot. Aparently American Playboy offered miss Phoenix $500k, and she turned them down too, as she is focusing on her acting career and being portrayed in this magazine will reflect negatively on her, she is taking her work seriously. Perhaps we will see her topless in a future film.