November 23 2013 at 02:40pm
Police officer John Seeley is lowered down the open mine in an attempt to rescue the dog. Picture: Soraya Crowie
A dog which had fallen down into Kimberley's Big Hole in the Northern Cape was rescued on Saturday, paramedics said.
“The dog has been rescued, it is on surface and it will be assessed,” said ER24 spokeswoman Vanessa Jackson.
She said the rescue team worked for five hours to save the dog.
Earlier, Jackson said rigs had been erected to help stabilise the operation.
“A rescue team of seven will go down. They will stabilise one another and provide support.
“Only one person will go down the final couple of metres and rescue the dog,” she said.
The depth of the hole was equivalent to the height of a 50-storey building.
She said because of the distance and terrain it was not possible to throw food down to the dog.
On Friday, ER24's Christo Venter said the dog had been in the hole for a couple of days.
“The dog had been swimming around in an attempt to find a way out and fortunately found a ledge to rest at, which probably saved him thus far,” he said. -Sapa
Groot Gat-hond is gered!
‘n Hond wat ‘n paar dae gelede in die Groot Gat by Kimberley in die Noord-Kaap beland het, is Saterdag net ná 12:00 gered.
“Die hond is gered, hy is op die oppervlak en sal versorg word,” het Vanessa Jackson, woordvoerder van ER24, gesê.
Die reddingspan het Saterdag vyf ure lank gespook om hom na veiligheid te bring. Jackson het vroeër gesê die reddingspan moes ankers span om die reddingswerkers te stabiliseer en in die groot gat af te sak. ‘n Reddingspan van sewe mense het in die gat afgesak. Hulle het mekaar stabiliseer en ondersteuning gebied.
“Slegs een persoon, ao. John Seeley van die polisie se soek- en opsproringseenheid, het die laaste paar meter afgesak om die hond te red,” het sy gesê.
Dit het baie paaiwerk van Seeley gekos om die hond oor te haal om saam met hom te gaan. Hulle is uiteindelik met ‘n harnas vasgemaak en met ‘n groot kabel na bo getrek.
Die gat is ongeveer so diep soos ‘n 50-verdiepinggebou. Weens die afstand en terrein was dit nie moontlik om kos by die hond uit te bring nie.
Die hond het ‘n kliprandjie gehad waar hy kon opklim om kort-kort te rus en kon van die water uit die gat drink.
‘n Helikopter, wat deur die sanger Kurt Darren en sy vrou Dunay geborg is, is Saterdagogend vir die reddingspoging ingespan. Weens die gevaar wat dit egter vir die helikopter ingehou het, kon ‘n reddingstou nie naby genoeg aan die water kom nie.
Die reddingspoging is deur die SAPD gekoördineer met bystand van ER24, die brandweer en De Beers.
There are many stories of how PEOPLE were rescued by DOGS - it is high time that these favours be returned!
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